Ojene Suinuet
A middle-aged Maelstrom Legalman with a long, winding past. Born in 1525 6AE into a small Duskwight village buried in the northern Black Shroud, she has spent little of life in La Noscea- or so say the books. What the real truth is, her records don't say- and nor does she.
Nonetheless, she has served with the Maelstrom for the past few years. Having suffered a career-ending injury over a decade ago, these days she is a rare sight on a battlefield. In lieu of standing on the front lines, instead Ojene works as a legalman, tactician, and consultant on the Garlean Empire. In more recent times, she has made public her past involvement with the Ala Mhigan Resistance, and now she occasionally serves as an unlikely diplomat to Ala Mhigo and other Maelstrom allies.
Known for her intimidating demeanor, her unwavering sense of justice, her keenly analytical mind, and- more rarely- her acerbic wit, she is a force to be reckoned with- fighting above all for what she believes to be right.
At a Glance
Height: 7'0"
Hair: Jet black with greying streaks, usually groomed with as much precision as she can muster
Eyes: Ice blue
Skin: Deep grey with blue undertones, lightly freckled
Nose: Long and angular
Jaw: Strong and angular
Build: Broad-shouldered, dense, and muscular- but slightly age-softened around the middle
Scars: Numerous, old, and usually hidden. Most notable marks: A diagonal scar across her sternum from her collarbone toward the middle of her ribcage, a divot on either side of her right thigh, and a wide patch over her left hip.
In Depth
At a full 7 fulms, with broad shoulders and a muscular build, Ojene stands out in a crowd. Her complexion has always marked her as a Duskwight, contrasted by her light blue eyes which have a habit of fixing on their target like an eagle sizing up its prey.
Out of the house, she is typically impeccably groomed, her hair darted in place by an array of pins. Her manner of dress is sleek, sharp- favoring simplicity of style with fine materials.
In motion, Ojene carries herself like the experienced fighter she is, even though her adventuring days are a think of the past. Her gait is fluid and light, barely making a sound. But on bad days her old hip injury gets the better of her, and what is normally no more than a subtle lilt in her step gets all too obvious. Even so- she refuses to use a cane unless she absolutely has to.
Little is publically known of Ojene's history. To most others, she is largely an enigma, her public records revealing little more than she herself admits. However- I love tying RP backstories together! So if you see something here that catches your eye as something your character might know, feel free to ask me.
Ojene never had a normal childhood. Catapulted at the age of 12 from the Duskwight farming village of her birth to a den of bandits and thieves, she worked hard to remove herself from her circumstances. Striking out on her own at 20, she spent the next decade trying to find her place in life. This went poorly. From living on her own to training in the Lancer's Guild, her efforts repeatedly blew up in her face. Eventually, at 27 she abandoned the Shroud altogether and sought better fortunes in La Noscea.
It was in Aleport that she began to find her footing, building a family amongst Sea Wolves without realizing she was doing it. She might have stayed amongst them from then on- except at 32 she traveled to Gyr Abania on behest of a friend but two weeks before the Fall of Ala Mhigo- and the events that followed irrevocably changed her life.
From her found family, she vanished. She fought tirelessly for the Ala Mhigan Resistance, throwing herself into saving as many lives as she could. It consumed her- she only returned to Aleport a decade later, with a damaged hip and Garlean assassins on her tail.
From then on, her life became a challenge of picking up the pieces. How to reconcile her need to fight for Ala Mhigo with the fact that she'd left loved ones behind. How to make sense of her decision to leave. And most of all- how to obtain the life she longed for despite all the forces that sought to pull it apart.
This information is readily and publically available- in each location Ojene has a public reputation for the following:
Limsa Lominsa
Being as sharp-minded as she is sharp-tongued- a formidable force in the courtroom as well as in any other office she works toward.
Relentlessly working to uphold the law- without apparently seeing any irony in the fact that the laws were made by
ex-piratespeople of dubious legality. Pursues a strong sense of justice, even at personal cost. Attempts to bribe go very poorly.Suddenly appearing out of nowhere a few years ago, only to attract the eye of one of Limsa's most desired older bachelors, "the Silver Fox of Limsa," in a match that confused and disappointed many a would-be suitor.
Frustratingly close-lipped about her past. Some have speculated she must have some foul secrets she's kept carefully covered up.
Gyr Abania
Formerly a member of the Ala Mhigan Resistance- and while most didn't survive to remember the times in which she served, what memories remain recall her as a fearsome fighter, working tirelessly to rescue as many souls from the clutches of the Garlean Empire as possible.
Working with the Ala Mhigan Resistance today as a Maelstrom representative - passionate about Ala Mhigan welfare in the long-term.
Family of Origin
Ojene's relationship with her family of origin is tumultuous at best. After all the years Ojene has spent away, few of them see eye to eye with her- particularly with her choice to take up with a Sea Wolf far away from the Black Shroud. However, a couple of them still factor into her life one way or another.
Jophoix Suinuet - Brother [Early 20s] - Over thirty years span between the siblings, and Jophoix was born in a time Ojene had no contact with her family. She never knew about him until he was already 16, and the vastness of their age gap and the sheer difference of their lives and upbringings have never made connecting easy. But despite being two very different people, they have tentatively managed to find common ground. After struggling with the xenophobia he was raised with, Joph has now become the most accepting member of Ojene's immediate family of her decision to marry and make a family with a Sea Wolf.
Ilvoix Suinuet - Father [Early 70s] - Ilvoix was never a very good father. Only a teenager when Ojene was born, he wasn't ready for the responsibility nor the committment. Aloof, emotionally distant, and a poor verbal communicator at best, he was never a firm figure in Ojene's life when she was a child. They reconnected shortly before the Calamity and managed to establish rapport between them as they worked together against Garlean propaganda, but Ilvoix has never approved of her interracial marriage- a tension that finally estranged them.
Family by Marriage
To Ojene, the family she's made through her marriage count as her "real" family. They are the ones she relies on and turns to, and the ones she hopes to be amongst for the rest of her life.
Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn - Husband [Early 50s] (Carrd) - Having first met in their 20s, Sylbfohc and Ojene's history stretches longer than most any know. Ala Mhigo interrupted their young romance, and it was a decade before they began to pick up the pieces. To others unaware of their history, Ojene seemingly came out of nowhere a few years ago to snag the heart of one of Limsa's most notorious older bachelors, and their relationship is one that many have questioned. But despite all the hardship they've faced, the pair is deeply devoted to each other, determined to be together no matter what. In their later years, Ojene is determined to capture the happy life she always wanted the chance to have with him and finally lay all obstacles to rest.
Estorme Sylbfohcwyn - Daughter [Toddler!] - Born to Sylb and Ojene only recently, Estorme is as loud, rambunctious, and adventurous as one might expect a wee toddler to be. With the life Ojene led having a child of her own was not something she ever expected to be able to have- and at her and Sylb's ages it was a challenge only successfully broached due to natural Elezen longevity. To Ojene, Estorme is an unequivocal reason to keep her recovery on-track, and she will do anything she can to make sure she will be there for her daughter through however many years she has left.
Ostulm Skoenskyfsyn - Father-in-law [Deceased] - Ojene saw Ostulm as a father figure before she and Sylb even became romantically involved. As her own family experience had been so fraught with pain, abandonment, and trouble, she relied on him more than she knew. It is one of the biggest regrets of her life that he died just before she returned from Ala Mhigo- and that he'll never know she survived.
Moengeim Fraefyrwyn - Sister-in-law [Early 30s] - When Ojene first arrived in Aleport in her late 20s, she quickly became concerned for Moengeim's well-being. As she grew closer to Moengeim, Sylb, and his family, she became something of a mother figure to the young girl. It was a role she took to heart. But after Ojene left for Ala Mhigo and came back from the dead a decade later, some relationships weren't so easily rebuilt. After a sudden betrayal on Moengeim's part, Ojene has wanted nothing to do with her.
Merlgraeb Uwiltoumsyn - Cousin-in-law [Mid 50s] - Merlgraeb and Ojene haven't always seen eye to eye- from the question of "why won't Sylb just settle down with a nice Roegadyn lass?" to her lengthy disappearances, it took some time for the two of them to find common ground. But today the tensions are predominantly of the past, and Ojene finds in Merlgraeb a stalwart pillar of the family she has left. Most of all- she knows if anything happened to her and Sylb, she could trust Merlgraeb to raise her daughter, and to do it well.
Solkwaen Skoenskyfwyn - Aunt-in-law [Late 70s] - The other person in Ojene's life to whom she would be more than happy to entrust Estorme to if it ever became necessary, Solkwaen is now the most parental figure in Ojene's life. Sometimes a small pause in a busy routine, someone to talk to, a religious blessing, or simply a touch of advice can be an utter relief.
OOC Info
Hi, I'm Ojene! Also known as Oj, Obeans, Juicy J, and The Juice. (Mileage may vary.) I'm a big ol' late-20 somethings nerd. I'm part of the Maelstrom Command <FLEET> RP community, which you can learn about here. I also do writing and art sometimes, which you can check out on my Tumblr: @diskwrite-ffxiv.
I always like meeting new folks, so feel free to say hi!
RP Preferences
OOC communication is very important to me. I am not interested in RP dynamics that involve OOC lording authority over other people, mustache-twirling, OOC dick-measuring, or using IC circumstances to control players OOC.
As a military RPer who happens to have a character who constantly gets into conflict with other characters, I want to make sure that all parties have a good time with whatever we do.
I hold myself to a high standard when it comes to this- and I expect the same from the people I RP with.
Will do/interested in:
Military themes
Intrigue/Conflict RP (OOC communication is a must)
Adventure/Spoop RP
Comedic situations
Tying backstories together!
Won't do/not interested in:
Romance RP/ERP (Ojene is monogamously taken!)
Fighting RP without plot (Fun character dynamics count as plot)
Strong gore/torture scenes
Anything involving sexual violence